Chaco Ad Campaign


Chaco Ad Campaign “Sharing is Caring” promotes giving back to the community. Old shoes could be donated to the company when purchasing new shoes. Chacos would then give the donated shoes to a family in need.


Campaign Logo

I wanted to go for a simple design to look modern and sleek. The straps represent the shoe straps, the most recognized feature of the Chaco’s shoes. I chose orange as the main color because not only does the capmpaign affect adults but children as well. I believe that the color caters to the family as a whole and resonates with a color of the Earth.

Ad #1

This ad displays a foot. The text around it explains what the person is going through. The call to action emphasizes the buyer to put themselves in the other persons shoes. This emotional tug pulls the buyer to donate shoes to this person in need.

Ad #2

This ad displays a foot. The text around it explains what the person is going through. The call to action emphasizes the buyer to put themselves in the other persons shoes. This emotional tug pulls the buyer to donate shoes to this person in need.

Ad #3

This ad displays a foot. The text around it explains what the person is going through. The call to action emphasizes the buyer to put themselves in the other persons shoes. This emotional tug pulls the buyer to donate shoes to this person in need.


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