Life Teen Wayfinding


This project showcases a wayfinding system for Life Teen Camp Hidden Lake. Camp Hidden Lake has few signage indicating where buildings and areas are located along and off of Main Street. With the map and mockups, navigation can be done with ease.

Life Teen International Logo

For this project, I wanted to design a set of logos that coincide with the design of the Life Teen International company logo, using the same color and rounded object quality.

Map Icon Set

Each of these icons represents a building or area designated at Camp Hidden Lake. These logos were designed from the outline of the company’s logo including it’s color. From top left to the bottom right the icons are for: Main Meeting space, missionary dorms, the outpost, ropes course, dining hall, the lake, Town Hall, the art barn, and camper/chaperone dorms.

         Camp Hidden Lake Wayfinding Map

This is a map created to show the demographics and building layout of Life Teen Camp Hidden Lake. The icons are placed in the spots that they represent, such as the art building, the kitchen, and camper dorms

Icon Mockup 1

This is a mockup of signage that would be placed at the top of the hill next to the dining hall. here all camp attendees would be able to know exactly what direction all buildings are located on Hidden Lake campus.

Map Mockup

This map mockup is placed in fron of Town Hall. After activities, campers could see a full width map of Hidden Lake, making it easier to see where to go next.

Sign Mockup

This sign mockup is to showcase the potential of an icon alone as a directional. This icon would be placed right at Town Hall to be able to signal to campers where the entrance to the building is.

Art Barn Mockup

This sign is supposed to mimic directionals that would be placed along Main Street. This would help against campers or chaperones getting lost along the way to the art barn, down by the lake.

Let’s Work Together!

You can contact me below to ask me any questions or collaborate on a project!