Vatican City Cityscape


This City Scape project is an accumulation of  media layouts designed for Vatican City. It includes a pamphlet for each building and sticker icons that can be placed within the house or as stickers.


                      St. Peter’s Basilica Pamphlet

This pamphlet would be found when entering the building. Inside, it has the history of the bacilisca and pictures of the interior and exterior. The type emphasizing the mystery of each place that the person can discover.

                         Apostolic Palace Pamphlet

This pamphlet would be found when entering the building. Inside, it has the history of the palce and pictures of the interior and exterior. The type emphasizing the mystery of each place that the person can discover.

                           Sistine Chapel Pamphlet

The pamphlet contains interesting facts on the history of the Sistine Chapel and how it originated. Pictures include the vast interior of the chapel.


Vatican City Icons

These icons were designed to be found as stickers within a city shop.They play off of the geometric theme of the cityscapes above. They depict sacraments and parts of the Catholic church. From left to right: the Eucharist, the Gospel, Eucharistic Adoration, the Crucifix, and a crown for the King of Kings

Let’s Work Together!

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