Hello Life Teen!



Let’s Talk!

Mr. Calavitta, my name is Munezah Ayotte. As a person who has been involved with Life Teen for 10 years and have admired the design work done through camps and conferences. I am excited to share with you the design work I created for Life Teen Camp Hidden Lake during my senior year at Flagler College. I also have prior experience working with a creative agency called Dark Square based in St. Augustine, FL. As a college graduate, I am interested in any way that I can contribute to the Life Teen’s mission.

I am a proficient worker under pressure and desire to learn more from my peers so that I can grow and excel in my work. In everything that I do, I do with joy and with a smile on my face and persevere until the best work is produced. Over the four years, I have obtained skills in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, and Dreamweaver with HTML and CSS.  I also served with Life Teen for three years, 2019 as a summer missionary, 2020 on service crew and 2021 service crew kitchen staff. I believe that this would be a benefit for the company.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

 Life Teen

 Wayfinding System


For this project, I created a way-finding system specifically for Life Teen Camp Hidden Lake. This includes rebranded icons, a map and sign mockups of where these items would be placed around the camp.


Way-Finding Icons

Each icon in the set represents the different buildings located at Camp Hidden Lake. From top left to bottom right they read: Town Hall, Dining Hall, the Outpost, Art Barn, Missionary dorms, Ropes, Main Meeting Space, Camper and Chaperone Dorms, and the lake.

Camp Hidden Lake Wayfinding Map

This is a map created to show the demographics and building layout of Life Teen Camp Hidden Lake. The icons are placed in the spots that they represent, such as the art building, the kitchen, and camper dorms

                       Camp Mockups

These signs would be placed around camp. For example, in front of Town Hall, on the way to the lake, or at the entrance of the camp.  After activities, these sign placements would make it easier for campers to see where to go next.

Let’s Get Connected

I believe that I can bring many good things to the table for this company, not only representing Life Teen International well but, to carry out the talents and work the Lord has given me to glorify Him!